Lost Fanatic

Today’s work out was seriously awesome! You probably don’t know this but I have recently received shin splints. This could be from many things including: not stretching for a decent amount of time before running, running at an incline often too soon, and pushing my legs too hard. Don’t get me wrong I hardly ever do an extremely strenuous workout. I haven’t worked myself up to it and my strength just isn’t there yet, unfortunately. Around the middle of January I started going hard (for me at least) on the treadmill. Intense inclines and running = not a good mix for a semi-beginnger. My legs have recently not been able to handle as much as they did at the beginning of this 4ish week period. I did not exercise on Sunday, yesterday I did about 30 minutes of very light physical activity, and then there was today. Today I tried this totaaaaaaally awesome circuit workout (I couldn’t complete). I loved it! My goal by the end February is to be able to complete it. I spent around 15 minutes on it then I hurriedly went to the treadmill. I was on for about 50 minutes watching Lost (the best show ever). I only walked because running has been hurting my shins, but I was surprised to see that I actually stayed on the treadmill that long. I actually had a really enjoyable time. Crazy, I know! I walked at 3.8 MPH at 9 incline. I burned about 350 calories. Yay! My heart rate stayed in my range for most of the time too. Once I saw it dropping I worked a little harder, but hey I was walking at 3.8 MPH, not very fast. My eats today have been so tasty. For breakfast I had this french toast scramble (visit Tina’s blog for the recipe), a Luna fiber bar, carrots, Chobani coffee bean chocolate chip yogurt, 2 apples, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and almonds. Also one small pistachio-cranberry sugar cookie that I am absolutely in love with. For dinner I was thinking the same thing I had yesterday…an omlette with tomatoes, green peppers, onions, and turkey. To add to that some green beans and potatoes. Yum 🙂 I am off to make this delicious creation!

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